Aaron Wenner

Fondateur et directeur général

Aaron Wenner is the founder and CEO of CiteRight. A lawyer and self-taught coder, he holds a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University, a Master of Arts from Harvard University, and a Bachelor of Civil Law and Common Law from McGill University. Currently an Entrepreneur in Residence at Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs, Aaron was also a Senior Editor of the McGill Law Journal and an Associate Editor of the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citations. Aaron is a frequent speaker on technology in the justice system.

Blog Posts

CiteRight. Now with AI Insights.

We’ve just updated CiteRight with our first generative AI feature: case law summaries. These come in ten different types so that you can use them in a variety of contexts. Automated summaries let you focus on understanding what cases say, without worrying about how to communicate those cases to others. And they’re free to CiteRight subscribers!

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Announcing CiteRight Next

We’re excited to announce the immediate availability of CiteRight Next, a fully redesigned and enhanced version update to Canada’s #1 legal research and document assembly suite. CiteRight Next delivers another huge boost to law firm productivity and efficiency with powerful new citation editing controls

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CiteRight & Jurisage are Joining Forces to Revolutionize Litigation Workflows!

Today marks an important moment in our journey. We're thrilled to announce that CiteRight and the AI powerhouse, Jurisage, are coming together as one company to pioneer the future of litigation workflows!

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Driving into a new age of dispute resolution

Exploring experts' evolving approaches when it comes to technology utilization in dispute resolution.

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How CiteRight gets the Cites Right

With the release of CiteRight 4.1, we made a seemingly minor change to our citation engine. We now include the court and jurisdiction in citations — but only when it’s appropriate to do so. This is a really big deal. We're so committed to helping our customers cite their sources accurately that we're willing to spend more than two years building a first-of-its-kind Canadian database. Read on for the details on what it takes to add in some crucial (but complex) information in citations.

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Faire entrer l'innovation dans la prestation de services juridiques dans l'avenir

L'avenir des services juridiques sera bien différent de ce que vos clients peuvent penser.

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Préparez-vous à l'avenir avec un webinaire sur les litiges dans la transition post-Covid (et gagnez des crédits CPD)

Nous parrainons un webinaire gratuit sur la forme des litiges à venir le lundi 1er juin à 12h00 ET.

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CiteRight recueille toutes les règles COVID-19 des tribunaux à travers le Canada.

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que nous avons lancé le tout premier site Web mis à jour en permanence et contenant des directives de pratique pour tous les tribunaux canadiens.

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Publication de CiteRight 2.5

CiteRight 2.5 est maintenant disponible pour aider les responsables de litiges à améliorer leur efficacité, à mieux se conformer aux exigences des tribunaux et à faciliter l'administration et le soutien.

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Mise à jour sur le coronavirus (COVID-19)

Alors que nous continuons tous à surveiller la situation du nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19), nous voulions prendre un moment pour vous assurer que nous sommes entièrement équipés pour poursuivre notre cours normal des opérations ici à CiteRight.

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Des nuits tardives, des guides de style, et Harvard : L'histoire d'Aaron

Aaron Wenner raconte l'histoire de l'origine de CiteRight aux entrepreneurs de Harvard Alumni lors du webinaire du 6 mars.

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CiteRight 2.0 Launches!

Our latest updates make it even easier to save and share legal research, cite cases accurately, and create instant books of authorities. We now offer in-text citations, greater stability, and enhanced security, all developed in response to your feedback.

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Le National Law Journal qualifie CiteRight d'agent de changement

Plateforme de gestion automatisée des connaissances pour les avocats plaidants, appelée agent de changement.

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