Today marks an important moment in our journey. We're thrilled to announce that CiteRight and the AI powerhouse, Jurisage, are coming together as one company to pioneer the future of litigation workflows!
Lire l'articleExploring experts' evolving approaches when it comes to technology utilization in dispute resolution.
Lire l'articleTo be successful in the coming years, law firms will need to adapt their service delivery models and technology approach to meet the changing preferences of the consumers of legal services. Read why 5 experts in the field are in agreement.
Lire l'articleL'avenir des services juridiques sera bien différent de ce que vos clients peuvent penser.
Lire l'articleCiteRight s'associe à Borden Ladner Gervais, le plus grand cabinet d'avocats à service complet du Canada, pour équiper ses plaideurs dans tout le pays de solutions innovantes de flux de travail à distance.
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